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30 Articles

gamipress icon star material 300 Credits

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  • Publish new articles 30 times
gamipress icon user 2

10 Articles

gamipress icon star material 200 Credits

Publish 10 Articles on khadfora to unlock this badge

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  • Publish new articles 10 times
gamipress icon pencil 1

First Article

gamipress icon star material 25 Credits

Write an article for the first time to unlock this badge

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  • Publish a new post 1 time
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100 Replies

gamipress icon star material 200 Credits

Reply to a discussion 100 times in a forum to unlock this badge

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  • Reply to a topic 100 times
gamipress icon email

70 Replies

gamipress icon star material 125 Credits

Reply to a discussion 70 times in a forum to unlock this badge

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  • Reply to a topic 70 times
gamipress icon pencil

50 Replies

gamipress icon star material 75 Credits

Reply to a discussion 50 times in a forum to unlock this badge

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  • Reply to a topic 50 times
gamipress icon quest

First reply

gamipress icon star material 25 Credits

Reply to a forum discussion once to unlock this badge

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  • Reply to a topic 1 time
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150 Logins

200 Points

Log in to khadfora 150 times to unlock this badge

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gamipress icon star 1

100 Logins

gamipress icon star material 125 Credits

Log in to khadfora 100 times to unlock this badge

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70 logins

gamipress icon star material 75 Credits

Log in to khadfora 70 times to get this achievement

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  • Log in to website 70 times