Climate Change: The Outcome of COP 27 and Effect on Nigeria

Nigeria has witnessed an increase in the rate of flooding. As at 6th of October 2022,  33 states out of the 36 states in Nigeria were affected by flooding which has affected many lives and displaced more than 1.4 million and affected 2.5million. According to Al jazeera, there were over 600 fatalities and more than 24,000 injured.
The flooding occurred as a result  of heavy rainfall which is a resultant effect of climate change.
It is against this background  that the United Nations since 1992 hold summit with all countries of the world in order to discuss the issue of climate change which is a global concern. The 27th  Conference of the Parties ” COP 27″ was held on the 6th November to 20th November 2022 in Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt. Nigeria also participated in the COP 26 in Glasgow
Highlights of COP 27
1. Financial Assistance: The developing countries pushed their demands on the need for a separate fund to cater for the loss and damage that may occur to the developing countries as a result of climate  change. It was agreed that a financial structure will be established for the vulnerable countries.
2. The global temperature should be below 1.5°C
3. Energy Transition: The countries also reaffirmed that there will be reduction in the use of coals to renewable energy.

The Steps Nigeria has taken regarding the climate change

1. Passing of climate change Act:  The climate change Act 2021 is the legal framework on the climate change. The Act mandates private entity that has more than  50 employees to put measures in place to achieve annual carbon emission reduction and also designate a climate change officer. The Act also provides for the climate change fund to support climate change advocacy and transition to renewable energy

2. Launching of the Energy Transition Plan : Professor Yemi Osinbajo launched Nigeria’s Energy Transition Plan (ETP) on August 24, 2022, establishing the country’s strategy to reach a net-zero emissions energy system by 2060. This is to reduce the use of lower emissions energy sources.

Nigeria is also taking a great step in nipping the climate change in the bud. The passing of the Climate Change Act and the launching of the Energy Transition Plan is a good step in the right direction.

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